17 Oct 2019

Equator Village Joins Nationwide Campaign to protect Seagrass

Equator Village resort, located in Addu, Gan, has become the latest resort to join the ‘#ProtectMaldivesSeagrass’ campaign, in a commitment by the resort to look after its surrounding natural environment. The campaign, jointly initiated by Blue Marine Foundation and Maldives Underwater initiative, was launched in response to seagrass removal at Maldives resorts. Resorts who join the campaign must pledge to protect at least 80% of their seagrass. Equator Village has agreed to maintain the health of 100% of its existing seagrass beds, which total some 7,600 square meters. Seagrass is a complex, underwater flowering plant that forms dense meadows. It provides habitats for turtles, rays and sharks, and helps to maintain healthy reefs and fisheries. “We have a lot of divers here, and they notice that the seagrass gives a home for fish… you see fish there, shells, sea turtles. After seeing these things, guests feel really satisfied,” said Equator Village Resort Manager Mohamed Waheed. 35 resorts and 22 organsiations have signed up as partners in the campaign since its launch on world seagrass day, 1 March 2019. This has resulted in the voluntary protection of more than 655, 000 square metres of seagrass at resorts in the Maldives, the equivalent of 90 football fields. The campaign has also been officially endorsed by the Maldives Ministry of Tourism.

The results of this campaign how that tourism and seagrass can coexist. If we want the Maldives’ marine environment to have the best chance of withstanding the challenges over the next century then we need to work towards protecting this critical habitat”, said Blue Marine Foundation Laamu Project Manager Shaha Hashim.

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